Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, August 15, 2014

A Healthy Celebration and a Birthday Party

What a crazy two weeks this has been . . . our sweet Savannah has endured over 9 days of super high fevers that only sometimes responded to Motrin.  She's been through many battles of shivering through the day and night where even 4 blankets would not make her warm.  The fevers also led to fatigue, muscle inflammation which made her unable to put any pressure on one leg, severe headaches, sweating episodes, loss of appetite (she lost 4.5 pounds last week alone), and let's not even talk about the heartbreak she's endured with having to miss out on so many fun things.  She missed a Carowinds play date, a pool play date, an ice cream party at the library, and the worst was that she was unable to sing with the rest of the Children's ministry at church on Sunday during the service.  After another temperature spike close to 105 last Friday afternoon we decided that as soon as we were all healthy we were going to have an "all healthy" party to celebrate . . and it would not include healthy food!  She was much better by Saturday afternoon, although still running a fever, so after dinner we went out for ice cream.  On Sunday we really thought we were in the clear until the fever once again spiked to around 104 in the afternoon.  After 3 separate doctor visits we were finally able to see our favorite Dr. Baker this Monday.  He immediately saw her and knew that she was really sick (although her fever was 97.6 when we left for his office it had spiked to 102 by the time we were home).  He ordered another strep test, an urine sample, and then when the rapid strep came back negative he ordered blood work.  Thankfully after 2 hours at his office we left with answers.  The blood work was just fine, Praise the Lord, the strep was negative, but the urine was highly contaminated.  So we left with a prescription for an antibiotic!  Finally, medicine!!  What a bummer to know that we wasted 10 days of summer when this could have been fixed much earlier . . but by Wednesday this girl was almost back to normal.  Her appetite was back, she was back to fighting with her brother and no more fevers.

It was the best birthday gift I could have received, a healthy child.  So she got to pick my birthday dinner place and of course she chose McAlisters.  It was kids eat free night so that was just fine with me. :)  Dave surprised me with Coldstone icecream cookies and we all celebrated my birthday along with Savannah being healthy.

Another lesson learned this summer . . . don't waste time with doctors that are unfamiliar with your child.  Stick to the best; it's worth the long wait!

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