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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Wrapping up the School Year

The past week has been filled with fun activities for both Savannah and Preston. As the school year at PSE comes to a close there are a ton of special events! The first one happened last Thursday at Camp Eagle Rock. Field day is held off campus, one grade level at a time. I was able to swap the little kiddo with Elizabeth so we both could enjoy some field day fun. These pictures are tiny and compliments of the class mom (no idea why they are so little).

Savannah clearly had a blast.  When I got there to set up the class lunch she was soaking wet and smiling from ear to ear!  Then today was the annual Parade of Nations.  Each class represented a particular country and dressed accordingly.  This year Mrs. Baker's class represented Kenya.  The classes each parade in and then after the entire school is in they come back up as a grade level to do the dance they've learned in PE.

Fungi Alaphia was a big hit!

After the Celebration of Nations Preston had a play date with his buddies Jake and Luke.  We met at a park and the boys played until they couldn't take the heat any longer.

This week Preston and I have also had fun keeping Baby Hudson two mornings.  Miss Leslie is wrapping things up at school and since WEE school is already out, we've had the pleasure of keeping her little one a couple of days.  He is such a great baby and a certain someone has LOVED being able to act like a big brother.  But he'll have to get his fix with Hudson because Lord willing there will be no more little ones to call our house home. :)
Preston pushing Hudson on a morning stroll

There are still a few more fun parties at PSE to finish out the year.  The Accelerated Reader party is tomorrow (which Savannah clearly qualifies for with a whopping 486.5 points), the perfect attendance party is Thursday (she's had perfect attendance all 3 years), the 2nd grade end of the year water party is Friday, and the 2nd grade spelling bee is on Monday.  It's going to be a blast!

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