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Saturday, May 31, 2014

A Wonderful Saturday

Some pool fun with Daddy
It's been a really long time since I can remember a Saturday as laid back as today has been. Dave and I snuck out for a long run together this morning to start the day. We then had two errands to run (again involving my car) and came home for a quick lunch before heading to the Y pool. This entire afternoon has been wonderful. When we came home from the pool the kids played for a bit while Dave and I worked on our to do lists. They had early baths, our dinner (which was delicious and easy to prepare) was enjoyed on the deck without mosquitoes, and the kids gladly went to bed before 7pm for the third night in a row. Now I'm looking forward to some dessert and time with Dave in front of the TV! If only all weekends could start like today . . .

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