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Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a great Valentine's Day at the Bachmann house.  Dave and I agreed that we would not swap gifts with each other this year, but would definitely still continue our tradition of Cheesecake Factory Adam's peanut butter cup cheesecake to go! ;) 

So the morning started off with a surprise of beautiful red tulips from Dave (which he said didn't count as a gift) and then fun heart-shaped pink chocolate chip pancakes I made for those not on a diet.  The kids loved having a special breakfast before school.  Once I got them to school, picked up balloons for Savannah's party, and ran a few other errands I came home to start working on the to do list.  I noticed that both kids had made their beds (or attempted to make them) complete with the comforter and decorative pillows.  Isn't it awesome how children choose to show love?!  They must already know that one of my love languages is acts of service.  When they got home they made sure to ask if I noticed how well they made their beds. :)  They also made lots of creative valentine cards for us including this one, my favorite, from Savannah. 

After a yummy lasagna dinner including homemade bread we let the kids open their gifts. They each got a toy, a new shirt, and at Peanut's request, new funny socks from Target. :)  

Showing off their new shirts
What a special day spent celebrating the ones we love!!  Any who doesn't love an excuse to blow their diet on cheesecake?!  Happy Valentine's Day!

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