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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Siblings and Cousins

I have no idea where time has gone the past few weeks!  It seems like things keep getting busier and busier, but I wanted to take a minute and share a little of what we've been doing.

Here are a few lines form a dialogue I heard last Saturday as I sat and caught up on some e-mails before Savannah went to cheer leading:

"Mom, she put her finky (stinky) feet on me"
"No I did not!, He pushed me down just so he could tattle." etc.

Although my tendency was to get frustrated with them both, I just smiled thinking about siblings and what a blessing it is to have one!  I know that for the most part our kids play amazingly well together so just hearing their squabbles make me smile . . well for the most part. :)

On Sunday we travelled to Greenville, SC to celebrate Papa and Aunt Susan's birthday.  We had a delicious lunch and then headed back to Susan's house for dessert and to let the kids play.

Again, I'm super thankful for the way these sweet cousins play together.  They all immediately went upstairs and played non stop.

These two played VERY well together and loved jumping on the trampoline
Cousins opening Valentine's gifts from Grammy and Papa

And then I just have to share this.  As we were preparing Valentine cards for teachers today, Preston insisted on writing his own name.  I gave in and the first card was interesting . . but the second card was almost perfect!!  I'm so proud that my little guy can finally write his name legibly!

Preston's first real signature!

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