Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


At the end of most days, with the kids in bed, I sit and wonder if I'm doing ANYTHING right with raising our children. I often am hurried and rushed with them and just don't know if I'm doing enough to raise them to be employable & marriageable. Am I doing enough to teach them about God and His love? There's no question that I love them more than I ever thought possible, but I just often wonder if I am doing this parenting thing right. Not that I'll ever know what is right or wrong, but I have been encouraged by two very special people who have sent me a few kind words about Savannah.

From a precious friend, Lisa ~ She (Savannah) is so cute. I asked her what was her big gift for Christmas. And you would be so proud to know that she said “well, Jesus is the big gift for Christmas”. She was so sweet.

From her teacher ~ She did fantastic today and she is one smart little lady! She is doing great with her reading!

I pretty sure both Savannah and Preston know a lot more than I think they do, both about God's love and about life . . . I am going to challenge myself in this new year to slow down and really listen to what they are saying, really hear what's on their mind and heart! And oh how thankful I am for people who have taken the time to send me tidbits of encouragement. :)


Anonymous said...

never doubt that you are a wonderful mom and dave is an equally great dad. we all wonder if we are doing the right things and get caught up in daily living but as God leads us in our daily lives He will lead you to continue to be a loving parent. savannah and preston are loving and really sweet children that are just like their parents! love ya'll debora

Aunt Cherry said...

My dear niece, I wish I had the right words to tell you just how proud I am of you. I read your blog and keep up with all of the adventures you share with Savannah and Preston...listen as you patiently care for them and their growing pains....which coincidently, are your's too...and most importantly, set an example for them. You have a depth of character that will serve as their foundation. Don't be so hard on yourself.....God knows exactly what he is doing. We are so lucky to have you in our life!!! Love you, Cherry