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Thursday, October 06, 2011

First Lost Tooth

We've been waiting for this day for some time now . . . and I've been praying that Dave would be here to handle it. But of course, it happened while he was at work today. It all started with Savannah's homework assignment of eating an apple and counting the number of seeds inside. They have been talking about apples all week and this was the last homework assignment for the week. She was super excited to dig into the apple, but soon realized that her tooth was quite loose and she needed me to cut up the apple. So of course I did,not wanting to disturb the loose tooth until Dave got home. It was while eating the apple that she suddenly went upstairs and said she needed to brush and floss because she felt something stuck in her teeth. At this point I knew the tooth was coming out, but I begged her to wait for Dave. I just cannot handle a bloody tooth. Yuck! So I started folding laundry and not five minutes later I hear "MOM, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS". Luckily, she worked the little bottom tooth right out with minimal blood. Of course she ran straight for her tooth pillow to put the tooth in. She is SO excited to see what the tooth fairy is going to leave her . . .
Check out her tooth fairy pillow. It was the one I used as a child and before mom got sick she had Savannah's name added to the pillow.


Anonymous said...

oh crystal what a special pillow that is! i believe there must have been a little divine guidance in Savannah handling her own "tooth pulling"! love those pics with missing teeth--- love ya savannah

Donna said...

Wow! This is the week to lose teeth! Caleb lost his, too:)

How nice that she pulled out her own tooth. I cannot take loose teeth, either. They literally gross me out! Caroline has two loose right now and I'm like you---hoping Roy's home when they fall out!

Oh, and that pillow is precious! How nice that your mom was able to do that. And what a nice heirloom for Savanannah!

Chelle said...

What a precious treasure that your mom left with that pillow. And I'm so glad you didn't have to pull the tooth yourself!!