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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Miscellaneous Stuff

I have discovered a few new money saving tips this week. First of all, I found out today that Wal-Mart will actually take competitor coupons!! Yesterday I got over $150 in product coupons valid at Lowe's Improvement in the mail and called this morning to verify that Wal-Mart would take them. I cannot believe that it worked perfectly! If anyone is looking for a money maker, they have a swiffer duster extender with a magazine rebate on the tag. The item is only $8.97 (before my Lowe's coupon) and you can submit for a $12 refund instead of a magazine!!

Also, I found out that the register rewards that print at Walgreens will also work at Harris Teeter. At the top it says manufacturer coupon and I had no trouble using them at Harris Teeter. :)

On a different note, we finally completed the evaluation for Preston's speech and he qualifies!! I did the paperwork this week and as soon as our case manager finds a good fit for a therapist we'll begin in home speech therapy.

Finally a shout out to Papa Bachmann and Deborah! Wishing you both a Happy Birthday with many more to come! :) Also, sorry your cards will be a bit delayed. And a prayer for fast healing for my dad who should come home from the hospital today with a new knee.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the coupon tips!! i'll try some also. i bet preston will be telling some tales before you know it! hope the speech therapy goes well.
and as Dillon says "papaw has a robot knee!" lol

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Thanks for the advice! Wish I would have received the Lowes coupons in the mail! Glad things are working out with Preston too!