Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, February 04, 2011


Last weekend our precious friends, Julie and Charlie, became the parents to triplets!! We have been so excited for them as we've prayed for this day for about 5 years . Today I finally made it uptown to visit with them and they are beautiful beyond words. It's amazing at what medical technology can do, but when I looked at those 3 precious faces, 30 perfect toes, and 30 perfect fingers all I could think about is how amazing our God is. April, Austin, and Andy are adorable and although they are super tiny right now, they will soon be running around and driving their mama crazy! It is going to be an adventure for their family for sure, but I'm excited to share in their lives as we continue to pray for them! I took my camera and everything this morning but was so in awe of them that I totally forgot to take pictures! ;( I'm sure I'll be back to love on them some more so maybe then I can snap some photos.

As for my own baby, we've made huge progress this week! Our first speech therapy session was on Tuesday and since then he has started regularly using 3 additional signs! Although there are still no words, I'm convinced that this is a great first step in helping lower the frustration level of communication. Just today I put him down for a nap (which usually goes smoothly and is tear free) and he screamed for over an hour before I finally went up there. When I walked in he signed milk and eat so I knew he was hungry!!!! Hallelujah, I know how to fix that! I took him downstairs and gave him some milk and crackers, put him back in bed and after about 10 minutes of crying he's asleep. Gotta love these little ones. ;)


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see some pics of the triplets! what a blessing for their family.
i am excited that preston is making progress letting you know what he wants- signs now words later. i know it has eased your stress level as well as his!
keep up the good work preston!
we love ya'll dad/deb

laurie said...

so excited for your family as Preston and you continue speaking/signing together. i'm sure all of you are super grateful for his therapy and it will be fun to see how God continues to grow your family during this season. you are an amazing mama! rest in that.