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Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Big Recital

First routine was a tap performance titled First Swim. The song was Itsy, Bitsy, Teeny, Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini. Savannah is second from the left.

Next was the ballet routine titled Bake a Cake. Now she's third from left . . . the only one with the correct position!

Flowers afterwards

Yesterday Savannah had her first ever really big dance recital, complete with costume and all! She was SO excited to wear her new outfit and asked all day long if it was time to put it on yet. I have to say that she was one of the cutest kids there (and one of the few that actually knew the two routines), but I guess I'm a little biased. Afterwards we had flowers for her and looking back that might have been her favorite part. She said "thank you mom and dad for my flowers" probably 50 times from the auditorium to the car. I wish I could upload the video because it's priceless, but I guess these pictures will have to do for all of you out-of-towners!

1 comment:

Heather said...

She is adorable! Aubrey has her recital this weekend. Derek was planning on giving her flowers too, glad to know that was a highlight!