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Monday, November 30, 2009

Still Congested . . .

This is week FOUR of Preston's congestion! I thought things were getting better and had partly convinced myself that the off and on cough was just reflux, but today things have definitely gotten worse. He has spit up more than ever (actually thrown up would be a better description), and now the spit up is coming out of his mouth and nose. He has completely filled his laundry basket in one day. So off we go again tomorrow to the doctor for the fourth time in four weeks. Please pray that we get some answers and can find something to help this congestion go away.


Anonymous said...

oh no! hope he isn't developing allergies! he seemed ok on saturday but this warm today cold tomorrow weather isn't helping. i hope the doctor can prescribe something that will help so he (and you) can rest. kiss him for us dad/deb

Anna Morrison said...

how did it go?
thinking of you both.

Nancy said...

What's the word? I hope little Preston is doing better today. Hang in there!