Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Well Preston finally learned to roll from his stomach to his back!! He's been rolling back to stomach for several weeks now, but much to our dismay, he couldn't figure out how to roll back onto his back. I thought he had figured it out last night when I found him on his back a ways away from where I put him down . . . but it was confirmed this morning when he took a huge roll right off of Savannah's bed. That's right, he rolled off of her bed, hit the nightstand and ended face up on the floor. I have been a mess all morning, but thankfully we saw the doctor and she said he was just fine. Whew! It all happened so fast and I know it's my fault for putting him on the bed, but it didn't help that I had a helpless 3 year old who couldn't put her panties on by herself either!


Anonymous said...

don't feel bad, most babies roll off the bed at some point. i'm really thankful he wasn't hurt and you maintained enough to get savannah panties on. now preston will have to be put behind bars, nets or on the floor. can't wait to see him roll, next comes the crawling! hugs and kisses dad/deb

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so glad he's okay! I know that must have scared you to death! When Ava was a week old my ankle gave out while I was walking down the stairs with her. I didn't drop her but she did hit her head on the side of the wall. Those kinds of accidents are bound to happen at some point. Good thing babies are tougher than they look!

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad he is ok! I know that is really scarry though. Caleb rolled off the couch when he was 4 months old, so I know how you feel. I think that it does happen to most babies though. You just never know when they are going to figure out how to do it! I am glad that he can do it now - no more running into his room in the middle of the night to turn him back over!

Heather said...

I am glad he is okay and don't beat yourself up about it. Both our kids took tumbles off of beds too. It is so hard sometimes being a mom and all the things that we have to multitask with. You are doing a great job! I was terrible with hitting the kids heads on door frames as I was trying to do too much too fast while carrying them around. This is a season and I promise it will pass!

kristin said...

Ah, yes. The infamous bed roll. Both of mine rolled for the first time on a bed - you'd think I would have learne from the first one, huh? Glad he's ok!

Nancy said...

I'm glad he is okay. That had to scare you to death!

Donna said...

Yikes! I bet that was scary! When RA was a baby (about 10 months) he fell down the stairs backwards while bouncing on his head. It terrified me and I was literally shaking. It's amazing how tough babies are---esp. their heads! I'm glad Preston is okay. Don't feel too bad---all moms have a story like this!!!!

Jen Currin said...

Jack took a tumble off of the bed too. Scared me to death, but he was just fine.