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Sunday, November 08, 2009

Savannah's Funnies

I wish I kept better track of the hilarious things Savannah says . . . it's amazing how her little mind works these days and all of the things she can remember! Here are a couple of things that made me smile:

The first happened Friday night while we were saying our prayers. Now we're still working with Savannah on how to pray, but tonight her prayer was exactly what I was thinking, " Dear Jesus, please help the telephone to stop ringing." I love it!

Tonight we had family movie night and Savannah got to watch her first movie EVER!! We watched Tinkerbell and when the movie was over she says, "Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a Tinkerbell."

So, although my house is again a disaster, I rocked Preston to sleep tonight thinking how blessed I am to have such an incredible and healthy family.


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Cute new layout! I can't believe that Savannah has never watched a movie before! Ava won't sit still through an entire movie but oh how I wish she would. :0)

Anna Morrison said...

This post warms my heart. You are truly blessed.

It isn't too late to jot down those sayings. Write them on index cards and stick them in a glass jar called the Laugh Jar. At the end of the year, on New Year's Eve, read them to your family and stick them in a photo album. You'll love this precious keepsake of your sweet children's sayings.

Miss you and love you so much!

Donna said...

Yes, I agree...that was her first movie? I can't believe that either! Now it's time to break out the Princess movies!!!

So cute, all the sayings. I love the one about the phone. She must have heard you say that during the day!!

Anonymous said...

i want to be a tinkerbell too!! lol now that she likes to watch movies we can surprise her with disney movies as they are released