Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mommy Guilt

This week I've felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt, just pure guilt for not being a better mommy. I guess it all started when Dave and I were talking and he asked me what Savannah and I had done together on Wednesday . . . and after thinking about it I realized that we hadn't done anything!! We had been home the entire day and not once did I sit down to read her a book, play dress up, do a puzzle, or even watch TV with her. WOW!! Now I'm pretty sure I wasn't playing on the computer all day or eating bon bons in front of the TV, but what in the world did I do?? I felt sooo bad for not making her a priority!

Then on Friday at WEE school pick up I realized that Savannah was supposed to bring show and tell on Fridays ! WHAT?? This is week 3 of WEE school and not once has my baby had something for show and tell Friday. My heart just ached as I realized that she had to sit in a circle with friends who all had their show and tell stuff and she didn't have anything! :( I do have to say that this made me a little angry . . . why didn't her teachers put it on the calendar? why didn't they remind me or mention it after THREE weeks?? I know it's not their fault, but come on, give a sleep deprived mom a clue!

I'm just thankful for a husband who can give and give and give to these kiddos. Dave is so good at making up for where I am lacking and this is definitely one of those areas. Thank you Lord for a loving, patient, and giving husband who is willing to pour time into our family!


Donna said...

Ahh, Chrystal! Don't feel too bad. We all do this from time to time. I think it's so easy for household stuff to get in front of playing with children. I do this from time to time, too. At least you recognize this and you're not just ignoring it.

As far as show and tell, you should have gotten some kind of notice about this. Don't feel too bad about this, either. I'm surpised it wasn't on the calendar!

Anonymous said...

welcome to mommy-hood. all moms and dads have had these same feelings. don't beat yourself up, although i 'bout cried picturing savannah without a show/tell. but now you know and can set something aside for this friday and she will be so proud! and you will feel good about it to. we are very thankful also for dave, he is a great dad and husband--God has certainly blessed you chrystal and we thank Him for bringing Dave into your family. one piece of advice from experience, housework can always wait-your children grow up quickly-then you can worry about the house- or maybe by then you won't really care lol
we love you and you are doing a great job as MOMMY! dad/deb

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Mommy guilt is the worst! You're great Mom and I'm sure Savannah get plenty of attention normally. I agree, the show-and-tell should have been on the calendar. Totally not your fault!

Chelle said...

We've all been there...the fact that you care so much means you're a great mom, even when you don't feel like you are. And, really, did you see the huge smile on Savannah's face when you picked her up on Friday? Clearly not the face of a child scarred by her lack of show-and-tell. I think even our little ones know when to cut us some slack. After all, what mom doesn't have a million things to remember? No wonder we're all a little bit crazy!

Nancy said...

We've all been there! Don't beat yourself up.

You are a great mom and personally, if it's not on the calendar I don't know about it!!!