Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

An Enormous Mess

My house is a disaster! Since I don't have a clue where to begin I thought I'd just update the blog for a third time today. Check out my mess.

Here is the living room. Over 100 consignment items that didn't sell scattered everywhere. Also notice the groceries that Savannah unloaded in the LIVING room for me. However, there is a sleeping baby in the swing!!!!

Here is the kitchen counter with 3 days of mail that needs attention, my vista print stuff, and coupons that need to be filed! There is also a pile of recycle/trash.

Lastly, the ballet shoes from this morning, WEE school art, today's paper, and groceries from yesterday that never got unloaded.

WOW! This is surely not the norm for me. I have my work cut out for me this week for sure.


Donna said...

Wait, how did you get pictures of my house?! Seriously, don't feel bad....I can't seem to catch up, either.

100 items that didn't sell? Are you kidding me? Did you sell a lot?

Anna Morrison said...

I love that you captured that! We all have these moments. I celebrate the life you have within your home that sometimes leads to many messes. :)

Anonymous said...

did u think 4 years ago your house would ever be messy? it's a sign that a family lives there, a sweet family too. i'm glad that you are finding humor in the everyday life of a mommy of two. we've all been there, heck i have days like that now and it's just your dad and me. lol
love ya dad /deb

Chelle said...

I feel your pain....when we were doing our floors, our house was a constant state of chaos and I never knew where to begin to declutter. Do we ever truly get caught up? Now I understand why my mom used to get frustrated when she would clean the house and then we would come home and mess it up!