Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

A Snake in the Air

I have to say that I think we were due to have a great day today. After several days of a non-stop screaming, non-napping infant I finally have had a day to enjoy!! Thank you Lord! Maybe it's because there was NOTHING on the calendar, maybe it's because the weather is so beautiful, maybe it's because Preston is just too exhausted to cry anymore, or just maybe it's because I know Dave will be here in less than 3 hours to help me, but whatever the cause today has been almost perfect! Although I haven't stopped working I feel renewed and ready to tackle the afternoon.

I have to share a quick story from this morning. We were out on a walk (yes, no running today, Dave said I need to let my legs rest at least twice a week) and I was trying to get Preston to keep the pacifier in his mouth when the following conversation took place with Savannah:

S - Mommy there's a snake.
Me - WHERE??
S - Over there, in the air
Me - What? WHERE??
S - I TOLD YOU (very sassy like), over there, in the air
Me (now a little panicked) - Savannah, I don't see a snake, where is it? In the tree?
S (now pointing up) - Noooo! Up there mommy, a snake in the air
Me - you mean the smoke from the plane?
S - yes, I told you, a snake in the air

I'm not sure whether she just thought it looked like a snake or if she thought that smoke was called snake, either way, I laughed the rest of the way home!


Anna Morrison said...

Cute! Freaked you out though, eh? Hee hee

Marie said...

Thank God it was that and not a REAL snake! She's too darn funny!

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

That's so funny! Don't you wonder what in the world goes through their heads sometimes? HA!

Donna said...

haha! HOw cute!!! I would have laughed, too:)