Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Baby + Shower = Good Times

Wednesday was a busy day for us! We started the morning by all going to my ultrasound. Savannah could hardly wait to see her baby brother's picture, although I think she was a little disappointed with the way the picture actually looked! This baby appears to be as healthy as ever and is already weighing in a 6 pounds, 14 ounces! Whew! Just seeing him again helps me escape the craziness of daily life and realize, once again, that there is a little miracle in my tummy. Oh how I can't wait to hold him!!

Wednesday night, my precious Bible study friends hosted a fun shower at a restaurant in Ballantyne. It was such a treat to be able to sit, chat, and open some adorable things for our new little one!

Now back to the real world . . .

Can anyone identify this fungus type of stuff that keeps growing in our shrubs and up the house?? We (okay, Dave) dug it up on Monday and already it is back, bigger than ever!

Mom is doing better and was moved to a rehabilitation facility yesterday. Here's another way God is working . . . she is in the exact facility that my great grandmother is currently in!! So not only does mom know someone else there, but she will have many more visitors!! I'm so thankful that she is getting back to her normal self and is feeling better each and every day. She has even eaten some real food the past two days! :) Please just continue to pray for her as she has a follow up appointment with the oncologist next week.

1 comment:

Donna said...

I love the profile of your little guy:) So sweet!!

I don't know what that fungus stuff is actually called, but I have seen it grow before in mulch (I think at my parent's house). It's weird how it just grows overnight!!

That's great news about your mom and the new facility! I know that makes you feel better to know that she's at a place where she knows someone.