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Monday, May 18, 2009

Encouragement Along the Journey

My friend Nancy posted yesterday about how our closest friends help us make it through this journey of motherhood. I can't stop thinking about that because it is SO true. Over the past few weeks my friends have been there for me in ways that I cannot even explain . . . through e-mails, prayers, meals, childcare, and countless phone calls to check in and offer words of encouragement. They even organized a prayer time just for our family where 10 women gave up several hours of their night to come and pray, just sit before the Lord and pray specifically for us. It's words like this that continue to speak to me and hold my hand along this journey:

Your pregnancy has been a journey. It’s a different kind of journey with different fears, different stress, countless tears have been shed for different reasons. The miracle for you and the gift through all of this is this precious baby. God knew what you would be facing, and although sometimes it may seem like the worst time to have a baby, to God, it’s the perfect time. Because this baby is a blessing, a gift, a tight hug and a promise from God that although some days seem darker than night, God has a plan. And that plan involves this baby. His due date was divinely planned. He is given to bring joy, life, hope. God knew everything, Chrystal, and so he gave you this child.

When we pray that God will move a mountain and He doesn't, it may be because He wants us to climb the mountain and see Him transfigured. Powerful words. Chrystal, you have quite a climb ahead of you...and you're doing it pregnant and with a bum foot. Sheesh, nothing like making the climb harder. But I can't help but believe that your climb will glorify God all the more since you have these obstacles. I wish I could see ahead to know what other obstacles you'll face or how high your mountain is. I wish that I could climb it for you. What I can do, is climb with you-carry your pack when you can't walk another step, rest with you when you feel like you've had enough, and encourage you when you overcome the steepest parts, and remind you that my view from the top of my mountain is incredible. I can't wait to hear about your view when you get there. And you WILL get there.

I wanted you to know that you're never very far from my thoughts and prayers. I'm praying specifically for your sweet baby boy. I'm praying that he is the healthiest and happiest baby you can imagine, and I"m praying for absolutely no colic and reflux! I'm praying that, when he gets here, it's undeniable that he's a miracle, a blessing, and confirmation that God's timing is impeccable. I know that your plate is full right now even without the anticipation of a newborn, but I can't help but think that you'll look back on these days in a few months or years and see so clearly how incredibly perfect his arrival was timed. That's my prayer.

I'm not sure what I would do without each of my friends, but I'm thankful that's one thing I don't have to worry about! I love you girls!!

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