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Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Special Delivery

Earlier this week Savannah and I were out in the yard playing and the mail lady, Ms. Anita, drove up to visit us. She just wanted to see how we were doing and tell us that she had gifts for Savannah and the new baby that she was working on and would be dropping off soon. This lady is SO sweet and even gave me her cell number not long ago just incase I missed her and needed to have her come back to pick up a package. Anyway, when I got home from shopping today Dave said that we had a huge bag delivered!!
I was shocked when I opened it and saw these awesome new blankets that Anita made! The first one is enormous and just perfect for Savannah with not only butterflies, but her new favorite ladybugs too! Baby #2's blanket is just as cute, and almost as big, with a yellow back and adorable little snails and worms. They are both sooo soft and "cozy" as Savannah would say. What a special gift from such a special lady!


Anna Morrison said...

Wow. That is neat. I like it that you have a relationship with her. That's really cool. Connecting with people that serve us is not something that comes easy. I know Anita appreciates the smiles and kindness you give her when you see her. :)

Donna said...

WOW! What a great mail lady! How cool that you have a friendship with her. That's great for Savannah to see.

Cute blankets!!

Sherri said...

Oh my gosh that is so sweet! What an awesome thing for her to do - they are adorable!

Nancy said...

How sweet is this? And like the others I love that you have a relationship with her.

Anonymous said...

i love these blankets and i know savannah and the baby will too. it's so sweet that you are teaching savannah to have a special relationship with people who empact our lives everyday. you're a good mama chrystal and we love you for it!! dad/deb