Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Please Pray for My Mom!

As most of you know, my mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer a few weeks ago. Since then she has been going through a series of tests to determine 1)if the cancer has spread and 2) what the best course of treatment is. However, this weekend she really became sick and was in lots of pain. When we saw her on Sunday she couldn't even get out of the bed. By Sunday night she ended up in the ER from dehydration and severe cramping. Thankfully, today they admitted her and now she has 24 hour care until they get her symptoms under control. I have spoken to her surgical oncologist himself as well as the regular oncologist's nurse and the plan is to get her pain under control and then start chemotherapy tomorrow. I talked with mom more tonight and she is still in a lot of pain. Please, please pray for her comfort and for these important decisions the team of oncologists are making for her. I have learned way more than I ever wanted to know about cancer today, and that is for sure!

The sermon on Sunday at church was about finding something positive to share . . . here's my positive. Every person I have talked to has been super nice, thorough, and has followed up with phone calls directly to me. I know that it is a rare thing to be able to call and leave a message for a surgical oncologist and have him call me within a few hours at home. Also, there have been several ladies who have pitched in and just taken awesome around the clock care of my mom. Gail, Mary, and Joyce thank you sooo much for being there for my mom when I can't. You are lifesavers and I love you dearly!

So, although I continue to be very scared and wonder what God has in store for our family, I do know that He is at work. I am thankful that when faced with something like this there is a Bigger and Better Hand in control.

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