Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Charleston Vacation

Dave and I have had a blast today! Dave did awesome in the race this morning, finishing more than 5 minutes under last years time. I enjoyed my morning in the hotel and a nice, fattening, hot breakfast before heading out to watch the runners. We have walked a ton, eaten well and even managed to take a long nap this afternoon. I can't even remember the last time I took a 2+ hour nap and didn't wake up in a panic or worried about what didn't get accomplished during that time. Although it is A LOT different without Savannah here, we have really enjoyed our time being on our own schedule . . . I do miss her though!


laurie said...

Enjoy your time alone...savor the naps! You are busy when you get home. Love you tons!!

Anonymous said...

way to go dave!!! glad you both had some time together and it sounds like it was both fun and relaxing. i know savannah was glad to see you both but it's nice to have some time away from the daily routine. glad you got home safe and sound. see ya soon xoxo dad/deb