Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Welcome Warmth

It's hard to believe that after highs of only 19 on Wednesday, we were able to play outside (without a coat) on Saturday!! Dave and I decided that we'd take full advantage of a beautiful day and go to the park with Savannah. We even packed a picnic lunch. It was so nice to enjoy the warmer weather for a change.

On Sunday we ventured to Greenville for Dave's sister's birthday lunch. Again, the weather was awesome. Knowing how hot Savannah gets in the car we decided to dress her for spring . . . so she sported her Easter dress from last year along with white shoes (I know it was too early for white shoes, but she didn't care). She and her cousin Alyssa played outside in tightless legs for quite awhile on Sunday. Ahhh . . . I'm loving this weather and the thought of lots of time outside this week.

1 comment:

Anna Morrison said...

i am loving these temps! shine sun shine!!!