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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Problems with Poop

After two weeks of being potty trained in terms of pee peeing on the potty, we were still struggling with going #2 on the potty. It was even to the point of hurting her to go poopy and night after night of her crying that her tummy hurts. Still today she had an accident at school and pooped in her panties. I have talked to friends, researched online, and even finally called the doctor today to find out what to do . . . and then, magically she did it! She started crying during her nap saying that she needed to go poopy and I rushed upstairs, put her on the potty and after several minutes she went! Praise the Lord! Now I'm not dumb enough to think that our problem is solved, but at least she's done it one time and knows that she can do it again.

The only problem now is that we promised her Baskin Robbins pink ice cream with m&ms on top when she pooped in the potty and the nurse just told me to avoid dairy. Oh well, she deserves a treat so we're going out for ice cream tonight! :)


Anonymous said...

YIPPEE SAVANNAH!!!! our little princess is growing up-good thing "butterbean" won't be long in making his appearance. i think ice cream is a great treat for such a "job" well done. lol

Donna said...

YEA! That first time going poopoo on the potty is so hard--at least it was for Caroline. Once she realized she could do it, she started going all the time. It made such a difference. I think it's just scary for some kids to go poopoo on the potty. I'm glad she finally did it!! I know you are, too. Nothing is worse than cleaning poopoo panties:(

Anonymous said...

Hello Sweetie,
Isn't life grand. You'll remember all these things when you are a grand mother some day and laugh as I have been doing.
Wait till she holds it all day and when she gets in the bath she just poops and believe me, she will be so embarased by it her self. I hope you will see it in her eyes and tell her that it is ok, that boo boo's happen sometimes. The bigger you make of it, will make her self asteem low, so just be prepared, and by the time our precious little boy arrives, you will be a pro at everything and able to really enjoy him.
Love you bunches,