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Thursday, February 12, 2009

16, 4, 1.2, 1+, 9

My OB appointment was today and here's the latest. If anyone can explain how this happened please comment!

16 - the pounds I gained in
4 - weeks!!!
1.2 - the weight of our baby boy right now
1+ - the number of weeks he's measuring ahead
9 - the cloud we're on to know that this baby is growing healthy and strong!

I guess I have to lay off of the smarties and sweet tarts, especially since the glucose test is next month! So now that it's officially a boy, any name suggestions???


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

For some reason, I don't think my comment posted so. . . I tagged you on my Blog yesterday! I'm sure the weight is mostly water but lay off the salt or you will be in for a LONG, hot summer! I've always loved the names Ian, Elijah, and Samuel. Good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

Christy's have great minds. I too like Samuel, remember.
Thanks Christy.
I'm so pleased that your baby boy is doing so well. Equally pleased that you are doing well too. Can't wait to hold him. Kiss Savannah for me.
Happy Valentines Day sweetie.
Love you bunches,

kristin said...

Yay for a boy! (actually, Yay for just knowing for sure what it is - either way). As for names, isn't it difficult?

Donna said...

Oh, I am so glad the appt went well! I don't understand the 4 weeks part?

I like the 9 part:)

Melissa said...

Where in the world have I been? I didn't even know you were pregnant! Congrats!
As far as names do you want your children to all have the same initials? If so I like:

Anonymous said...

we are so glad to hear that you and "butterbean" are healthy and "growing" as expected. can't wait for june! you know we are partial to "butterbean" but that would probably cause some problems in school huh? so, here are our suggestions: samuel grant, (looks like samuel might be a majority vote) steven graham, your dad said steven goober hehehe -
since your dad calls dillon "bud" i guess that might just be "butterbean's nickname! love ya kiss the princess hope to see ya'll soon dad/deb

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the're pregnant. As for boy names...I too love Samuel! Gray said that we couldn't use that one if we had another boy, because we'd have Samual and Jackson... HAHA!