Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Time in the Snow!!

Although I was sad to hear that WEE school was cancelled today, Savannah and I made the most of a beautiful snow day! The first thing she said when she woke up is "where is the snowman?" I tried to explain that we had to go outside and make a snowman. So, finally after listening to her talk about the snow for a few hours we bundled up (and I mean bundled up) and headed out. I quickly discovered that it is quite complicated to take pictures, use the video camera, and try to play all at the same time. After only about 20 minutes she was ready to "go inside" and we decided that a snow day would be much more fun with daddy home! It was fun to see her reaction though.

She was so cute in her snow suit!

Here is my puny snowman . . . sorry Savannah!


Stephanie said...

ha chrystal! LOVE the snowman!

Anonymous said...

I have sat here and laughed and laughed at your snowman! I love it!!!! Maybe Daddy can show her a clemson snowman the next time. I give you an E for effort. Good job sweetie.
Love you bunches,

Anonymous said...

what cute pictures although i think your snowman might be height challenged hehehe as long as savannah liked it that's all that matters! she reminds me of the little boy on the timeless christmas program when his mom bundled him up to go to school and he fell and couldn't get up- too funny! glad ya'll had a good time - making memories is what's it's all about dad/deb