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Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Circus

We took Savannah to the circus today and she loved it! Although I didn't take a lot of pictures, her face was priceless during a lot of the show. I think her favorite part was watching trapeze women as she kept calling them princesses. Dave and I both enjoyed it, even though it had tons of filler that could have been omitted. It was a fun outing for a Saturday and further proved to us that Savannah is almost potty trained . . . no accidents in panties for the circus! :)

As for an update on the mysteries, I did end up taking Savannah to see Dr.Baker yesterday afternoon. The nurse that I talked to on the phone said she needed to be seen soon and it was fortunate for us that Dr.Baker actually had an opening so we took it. He assured me that she would not just stop breathing for good. According to him, our bodies have several "security features" that serve as back ups when one thing stops working. Whew! He said it sounded like a form of sleep apnea so off we go to a sleep specialist next week. Just pray that we don't have any more scary episodes as they are no fun!!

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