Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, December 05, 2008


I've been waiting to finally make the big blog post, but we are so excited to finally announce . . . that Baby Bachmann #2 is due to arrive this coming June 24!! Dave and I couldn't be more excited and are anxious to soon find out if we'll have another girl or a sweet baby boy. We've known for awhile that I was pregnant, actually Savannah knew even before Dave! She announced that her "mommy had a baby in her tummy" to the childcare workers at church the very morning I took the first (of many) tests . . . and I hadn't said a word to her!

Anyway, please be praying for us, specifically the health of the baby and myself. At the first ultrasound, my doctor found a very large cyst (about the size of an orange) on my ovary. She feels that the risks are less to operate second trimester than to try to wait until after delivery to remove the cyst. So, my surgery is scheduled for January 6. It's a very scary time for all of us, but I have to trust that God is in complete control. As my friend Elaine said, He is not surprised by any of the details of this pregnancy or surgery.

I'll be sure to keep the blog posted with details, but for now, I feel like it's a boy!


Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled for you both! Congrats and you'll be in our prayers!

Stephanie said...

CONGRATS!! That is sooooo exciting!! I know you are thrilled!!

Nancy said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you. Since Savannah is so prophetic (and was correct on the whole pregnancy thing) ASK her what the baby is going to be. The U/S tech at my mds office said siblings are right most of the time. Not sure of any scientific evidence, but it sounds good.

I'll be praying for your surgery on the 6th. Let me know how I can help!

Anonymous said...

I can not wait to be a Gran Ma again! You know that I pray for you every day sweetie. I can't wait to hug all of you. God Bless You.
Love you bunches,

Heather said...

That is so exciting! Are you feeling well? Welcome to the world of two children!!

Donna said...

Finally! I've been waiting and waiting for this announcement!! I am so excited for you, Dave and Savannah. THere is nothing better than giving your child a sibling to grow up with! I can't wait to hear what this child's sex is. I say boy, too:)

Anna Morrison said...

YAY!!! I was wondering if you would pop up with this announcement soon. I hope you have not been overly ill with morning sickness. The timing is great for reusing your maternity clothes. :) I am rejoicing with you.

As far as the surgery goes, remember it is out of your hands. Let the Lord cradle you in His amazing and undying love and care. Trust him. I will lift you up!

Wish I could see you and pat your growing belly. Love you friend.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Dave! I am so excited for you! ~ Traci