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Friday, December 12, 2008

It Broke My Heart

Today at My Gym Savannah wanted to swing in her favorite caterpillar swing along with another girl. The swing is so cute and safely holds two children facing each other. So in she goes and the other child's mom and I start talking. Of course one of the first things she asks me is how old Savannah is. I told her almost 2 1/2 and her eyes grew an entire size. Before I could even say how Savannah has always been big for her age and how it was okay because she was all proportional, Savannah chimed in "I a big girl". My heart breaks just thinking about the fact that Savannah knows she's bigger than most girls her age. I guess she's heard that one too many times from yours truly . . . so no more! I vow never again to talk about Savannah's size in front of her. I do not want her to grow up thinking that she is different or fat and it makes me sad to think I may have already ingrained this image in her mind. :(


kristin said...

Awwww, Chrystal! It's those darn hormones, I tell you. I'm feeling kinda weepy just reading your post. She's just perfect as she is! It's just time to change what Savannah thinks a "big girl" is. Big girls can do all sorts of things - take off their shoes, put away their toys, drink from "big girl" cups, and best of all, give the best hugs and kisses. Of course, then you'll begin to hear, "but I'm a little girl" when she doesn't want to do big girl things :} - Can't win...

Anonymous said...

don't feel bad chrystal i don't believe you have done any damage. to her a big girl is a good thing. however, i know exactly how that feeling is - i was always the "big girl at school, taller and bigger than the other girls. so, i agree not to make a "big" deal out of it anymore. from now on she will be our "smart girl" and our "pretty girl". :) love dad/deb

Chelle said...

I'm so sorry that happened. Remember that most people have no concept of what "normal" is when it comes to children's growth patterns. They compare every child to the standard of their own child which may not be completely be accurate. I second Kristin: she is perfect. She is a beautiful child with such a sweet spirit. She was sitting next to Sara on Sunday when we got there. Dave got there right behind us and while I had to go into the room to corral my unruly princess, Savannah ran right over to daddy. She could teach Sara a thing or two about truly being a "big girl". :)

Jessica said...

Chrystal please don't feel bad. Savannah is PERFECT and I don't think that hearing you say that she is a big girl has done any harm. I completely agree with Kristin ~ maybe you can start telling her that she will be a big girl next to her little baby brother or sister someday soon!

Donna said...

Chrystal! I'm just now reading this post and it made me want to cry!! I agree with Kristin, too. A "big girl" can mean lots of things and to sweet Savannah, it probably means that she can do stuff that babies cannot do. Especially with the new baby coming, make her think that a big girl is a helper, etc.

Elaine Shobert said...

I just read everyone else's comments and they said exactly what I was going to. So I won't repeat it. But I will reinforce how perfect Savannah is. Everyone in this house loves her!

Nancy said...

I totally agree with what the others have said.

You are a great mom! And your daughter is precious!