Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tagged and Catch up

Okay, I know it's been forever once again since I updated this thing, and the calls have already started to come so here is a summary of this week along with Tagged. Since I was tagged twice already I thought I should participate this time!

First of all, our week. Things have been pretty normal with just the busyness of Christmas added in there. Monday we went to My Gym, Tuesday and Thursday Savannah had school (Thank God!), Tuesday was also a parent's night at WEE school and although Savannah's class didn't perform we got to see her classroom. Friday we went to a play date at Jack's house and had lunch with Miss Marlene and Miss Carol. Today we've done errands, laundry, painted nails, sorted mail, and done a little online shopping. There, now we're caught up! I'll try to be better about updating during the week this week!

Now for Tagged:

1- Post Rules on Your Blog
2- Answer the Six "8" Items
3- Tag Eight People and Let Each Person Know They Have Been Tagged

8 Favorite Shows
1. Survivor
2. One Tree Hill
3. American Idol
4. Judge Judy
5. Sesame Street
6. Super Readers (anything that keeps Savannah quiet is a favorite!)
7. Charlie Brown holiday specials
8. Family Feud

8 Things I Did Yesterday
1. Laundry
2. Lunch with friends
3. Attended a play date
4. Ebay stuff
5. Ordered Christmas labels and gifts
6. Changed a diaper
7. Went to Harris Teeter
8. Tickled Savannah

8 Things I Look Forward To
1. Having nothing on my to do list
2. Being skinny again
3. Seeing family for Thanksgiving
4. Christmas morning breakfast at mom's house
5. Savannah being potty trained
6. A vacation
7. Seeing Savannah open gifts at Christmas
8. Christmas Eve at Grandma Page's house

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Cracker Barrel
2. Makatos
3. Chick fil A
4. Firebirds
5. Melting Pot

8 Things On My Wish List
1. New Camera
2. Laptop
3. New purse
4. A healthy and happy winter
5. Clothes that fit
6. A clean house
7. Personal chef
8. Family that lived closer

8 People To Tag
1. Donna
2. Julie H.
3. Nancy
4. Jessica
5. Chelle
6. Heather O.
7. Lorie
8. Marie


Anna Morrison said...

Thanks! I enjoyed reading that.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for you!

Donna said...

Cute post idea, Chrystal! I'm glad you FINALLY posted again. I was getting ready to drive over to your house to see if you were alive!

If I don't see you before, Happy Thanksgiving!!