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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bible Study

The time change has really thrown Savannah for a loop the past week! No matter how early we put her to bed she is still waking up around 7:15 most mornings. This has caused my mornings to be off too as I no longer have time to do my e-mail, Internet, and Bible study before she wakes up. So, today I tried something new. I decided that I would try to do my Bible study while she was awake. I have to say that I was shocked at how long she sat quietly in her own chair with her Bibles, juice, and B of course and just enjoyed flipping through the pages of her Bibles. Now it probably wasn't the best quiet time I've ever had, but at least I'm not only getting some studying done but am also teaching Savannah the importance of having some quiet time.


Donna said...

Cute! That is good that she sits there reading her Bibles! You are teaching her how important it is. You're a good mom, Chrystal!

Anna Morrison said...

Cute picture.

I think our kids can really benefit from seeing us get into our reading; whether it is our Bible or another book. These moments will be few when they are little but, our example is powerful.

Love you and miss you.

Chelle said...

What a coincidence! We had to do the same thing this morning. Usually I end up feeling very frustrated and completely un-spiritual...but this morning was much better. I still value my quiet time, but if doing it this way teaches her to love God, I'm all for it. It's so great to see the seeds being sown so early, isn't it?!

Anonymous said...

Isn't she adorable! She reminds me of you at that age so much.She is already acting like a teacher.
The pee pee thing.I don't know about that. You were potty trained at 10 months and I had no problem with that,except your brother. I did get him up at night before I went to bed. Just to let him empty. BUT! he was a good sleeper. He actually never woke up to go to the bathroom. I just led him to it and back to bed. It's worth a try,don't you think.

Love you bunches,

Sherri said...

What a sweet picture! Quiet time is a great thing for our children to learn. Even if it is due to the time change, you are setting a great example Chrystal.

Nancy said...

Go Chrystal - what a great thing you are teaching Savannah!

Laura said...

Yep, done that, too!! Cole doesn't quite get the "quiet" part of "quiet time" yet! Way to go, Chrystal...what an awesome example you are setting! Love that Sa"b"annah!!