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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A New Food!

For the past two weeks we have refused to serve Savannah chicken nuggets for dinner. We tried this once before, but this time we're sticking to it! For one, they are awful for her, and for two, I can't stand the smell of those nasty nuggets. Anyway, most nights she goes to bed without any dinner as she refuses to eat perfectly good food. Not only does she refuse to eat anything new, but she won't touch her favorites if they are even on a divided plate with something new! I'm not asking her to eat spinach or broccoli for crying out loud, we're talking pizza, pasta, hamburgers, and other things that normal children eat. Well, she finally decided to try meatballs Sunday night and I almost threw a party. WOO HOO! Now my child will eat fruit, chicken nuggets, fries, meatballs, and Kraft macaroni (last week's addition). Wonder what might be next?? It's a slow process, but this time we're determined to make it work.


Chelle said...

Not they are in season right now, but will she eat strawberries? Sara would eat an entire carton if I let her!

Anonymous said...

good for you and dave-don't give in and she will learn to eat healthy. keep introducing new foods - i read an article that said it usually takes 14-16 times of introducing a new food for a toddler to try it. i don't know if that's will power on the toddler's part or the parent's part. lol
here's to a healthy eating princess and two tired parents!:0)
love ya dad/deb