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Friday, November 28, 2008

Conversations with Laurie

I hope each of you has a friend like Laurie. She is one of my nearest and dearest friends and I'm sad to say that she lives far, far away. I found out a few weeks ago that she was going to be in town for Thanksgiving, but wouldn't you know that Savannah woke up with a green snotty nose this morning. So, not wanting to get Laurie's 3 boys sick, we opted to just catch up over the phone instead of getting together today. :(

Anyway, after talking to my sweet Laurie for awhile this morning I hung up feeling refreshed, encouraged, and loved on. Okay, so I also cried for awhile too just because I miss her so much!This girl has an amazing way of loving through words . . . probably a skill she's developed over the years of living miles away from both her and her husband's family. Her gentle calming spirit and words always gently remind me that God is sovereign and in complete control of everything. She listens like no other, loves like a sister, and is one of the funniest people I know. Laurie, I am so sad that I missed seeing you and giving you a big hug today, but know that I LOVE YOU!!

1 comment:

laurie said...

You are way TOO sweet- I just loved our time on the phone...Sad we didn't hug, but maybe another time. Love you dear friend!!!