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Friday, September 19, 2008

What Happened to My 8 to 8 Girl??

It all started night before last when Bible study was at our house. Dave tried to put Savannah to bed at her normal 8:00pm bedtime and she went crazy. She was screaming so loud that I had to go up and get her, which wasn't enough. She wanted to be IN Bible study, downstairs with me and the girls. Since I wanted everyone to be able to hear the video and not a toddler screaming, I gave in and let her sit downstairs for the Bible study. Afterwards, at around 10pm, she was still running around the house not even seeming to be tired. Even after we got her to bed she didn't sleep very well.

Then there was last night. We tried to get her in the bed a little later than normal, at 8:45 pm. I have to say that her reaction was very scary for us. She screamed so hard from the time we started the bedtime routine until we tried to put her in bed that she was almost hyperventilating. She kept saying over and over "I no like bed", "I no want bedtime." It honestly was very frightening. Her face was beet red, her hair was soaking wet with sweat, and every time we would try to put her in the bed she would arch her back and go stiff. This went on for over an hour of us trying to talk her into just staying in her room. I had the closet light on and told her that she could read books or play blocks in the bed, but she refused to be left in her room alone. At one point we even tried to gate the door, leaving it open, and leave the room with her in there. She was so upset and hit the gate so hard that she was able to knock it down! I could go on about the scene, but I think you get the picture.

We're not sure if she has a new fear of the bed, if it's the two bottom molars coming in that are affecting her, if she's just trying to change her "schedule", or if she needs to be limited to a 2 hour nap so she's more tired at night. Any advice or insight from my mommy friends???


Anonymous said...

Give her a little rum before bed. That will knock her out.

Anonymous said...

you poor thing! i am going throught the same thing with my 1 year old - i even called the doctor and tried everything she suggested to no avail. the thing that has helped my little one the most is one of those bears that makes the sounds of the womb- he is our new best friend and goes everywhere with us and has made bedtime sooo much better again! anything is worth a try!! good luck!

Anna Morrison said...

Hey friend. I know this has all been quite alarming for you and Dave. So sorry. I don't think just saying "be patient" is going to work. I think you need to be active and nip this in the bud somehow.
First, I suggest looking at her diet. Does she have caffeine in her diet, a lot of sugar, etc. If so, eliminate it pronto!
Next, does she still have a routine at night and is it consistent? That always brings comfort and direction. I know how schedule oriented you are, it seems you would be doing this and good at it.
Also, does she watch any TV before bed? This can be a source of overstimulation.
Is she allowed to slow herself down and enjoy some stillness and quiet before she is expected to drift off to sleep?
I know for a fact that you have a wonderful home. You love Savannah so well. This is a rough patch that will smooth over, but will require some effort.
When schedules in our home shift it is hard for me. I am a creature of habit and I love to be able to predict things throughout my day. I can relate to your situation so much.

Anonymous said...

oh boy this might prove to be the ultimate challenge! do you play music in her room? maybe sitting in bed and reading a book, one with very few pictures so as not to stimulate her. warm milk is supposed to be soothing. how about her own flashlight? have you laid down in her bed when it's dark to see if any shadows look scary? does she do the same at nap time? i know it's hard for you and dave to deal with this after a busy day- hopefully this won't last but a few days - keep us posted of any progress. just think in about 12 more years you'll be fussing cause she won't get up! taking it one day at a time. xoxo dad/deb

Donna said...

Laughing at Jamen's comment:)

I don't know Chrystal. I would call Dr. Baker and see what he says. It's probably just a phase she's going to and you'll probably have to let her cry it out (although I know it's easier said than done). Sorry!

Nancy said...

The first thing that came to my mind was the possiblitity of an ear infection. When mine would change their attitude about bedtime and sleep it almost always meant they had an ear infection.

Of course, I'm no md, but wanted to put that out there.

Hope she gets better about bedtime even tonight!

Sherri said...

I'm sorry you and Savannah are going through this. It's hard to tell what is going through their little minds when they are that scared. Did something scare her during the night one time, or did she have a bad dream? It may just be a phase she's going through (don't you just hate that advice?!) Maybe put something in bed with her that makes her feel safe (a stuffed animal or doll), pray with her that Jesus is always with her right before bed. Keep trying different things (music maybe?) - I promise it gets better!

Chelle said...

Although the rum idea is interesting.... (just kidding, of course!)

I feel your pain, really I do. We've been dealing with the same with Sara ever since we moved her room last month. Donna's right: sometimes you have to let her cry for a few minutes, as much as it hurts us to do it. As long as she is safe, dry, etc, I would keep up with the bedtime routine and then leave her be. You can check on her every few minutes so she doesn't think you've abandoned her. We've been at it for a month and Sara is finally starting to settle down. She cries for a few minutes, but no hysterics like she used to have.

I know it's horrible, but know you're not alone and Savannah is completely normal!

kristin said...

I know we already discussed this, but I do sympathize! I hope, as others have suggested, it's just a phase. Otherwise you might be joining us in the short (or no) nap club! Hang in there.

Jessica said...

I don't know what to tell you. We have the same problem with our little boy and don't know how to solve it. Let me know if you get any good advice that works!

Heather said...

Wow, that does sound like a challenge! The only advice I can give is to maybe cut back on her nap. Aubrey now only naps an hour to an hour and a half. One thing that also has worked for Aubrey getting ready for bed is to brush her teeth - she loves to do it! I also let her pick out the book that she wants to read and usually one of us lays with her for a few minutes. I am sure you already do these things, but I am just telling you what works for us. I have had nights were she has just not been tired as well. Hope it gets back to normal soon!