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Monday, September 15, 2008

Hilton Head Vacation

We started our trip at EdVenture in Columbia, SC. It was free since they are a reciprocal museum to Charlotte at Play and boy was it fun! Here we are in the outdoor bubble exhibit. We were enclosing ourselves in a big bubble.

This picture is just for Pawpaw Page! Savannah loved dressing up like a firefighter and playing in the real firetruck. We also enjoyed milking a cow, picking peaches, grocery shopping, playing with blocks, etc, etc. She had a blast and played hard enough to need a long nap as we continued towards Hilton Head.

This is one of our first days on the beach. The weather was perfect and Savannah loved every second on the beach playing with all of her sand toys. Here she is resting with Dave after trying to catch birds for quite a long time. She kept lots of people entertained on the beach.

This is how we travelled to the beach each day. It was a little bike ride, but Savannah loved being in her cart. We spent a lot of time on these bikes this past week and only got caught out in the rain twice.

Here is one of those rain trips. We rode to the BiLo to get a newspaper. Look what Savannah decided to play with on the way home . . . our newspaper was soaked! Crazy girl.

Savannah was so prissy all week. She hated getting dirty, but thankfully she quickly learned how to "wash" her hands in the ocean water.

Putt Putt is much different with a toddler! She liked putting her ball IN the water better than hitting it with the putter.

These birds were beautiful! There were three of them right outside of Jake's Cargo shop at South Beach.

Here is Dave trying to help cool Savannah off at the Salty Dog Cafe. We are now all proud owners of Salty Dog Tshirts. Savannah loves hers and always points out the "salty dog".

We had a wonderful week! Thanks Mom and Dad Bachmann for giving us your week of vacation. We truly enjoyed lots of quality family time.


Heather said...

Looks like you had a great time! I just love vacations where there is nothing else to do but spend time together. How funny that she did not want her hands dirty on the beach!

Donna said...

It looks like y'all had a fun time on vacation! Savannah looks adorable in her little suits. I love the one of her in the water acting prissy!!

Anna Morrison said...

all those smiles are authentic. glad you were able to get away. :)

Anonymous said...

we're so glad the 3 of you got to spend some down time having fun together. these are memories you will keep forever. i know savannah had a good time by the smiles on her sweet face. dad/deb

Nancy said...

Glad you had fun!

I am patiently waiting for your triples post!