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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Nap" Time

For the past few days after putting Savannah down for her nap at 2:00 she has talked, played, read, etc. for about an hour before finally going to sleep. Today I finally decided that is just her own way of having some quality room time . . . and that it's okay if her room looks like a tornado hit when I go to get her up from her nap. So when the noise finally ceased this afternoon, just a few minutes ago, I went upstairs to check the monitor and didn't see her in the bed. I quickly went in the room and found her sound asleep. I couldn't see her because she was hidden by her big blue princess chair (that I'm sure she sat in for quite some time IN the bed). Along with the chair in the bed there were about 8 books, her entire play jewelry box dumped out, the womb bear that was beating as loud as it would go, and a few other nice stuffed animal "fiends". I ran for the camera and laughed, what else would a mom do?!


Donna said...

That is so cute! I would have LOVED to have seen her in action, sitting in her chair, reading her books, putting on her jewelry!! I'm glad you got a picture of it:)

Heather said...

That is hilarious about the princess chair. Aubrey had not done that yet, but she too now loves to talk and play in her room before going to sleep. Several times I have "caught" her and it about scared her too death. To be in the minds of our two year olds!

Anna Morrison said...

i love this!!! gotta love the independence shown.

maddie use to do this at the end of her nap before we'd get her. there would be so much stuff packed in her bed. adorable.

Anonymous said...

such cute pictures! i think she is trying to furnish her first apartment! :) dad/deb

Lorie said...

LOL- this is such a cute stage. We finally had to tell Emily that she could pack whatever she wanted on her bed before she got in, but she couldn't get back out of the bed. Most of the time, we find her asleep with a book over her face. Love the idea of the princess chair in the bed!