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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Much, Much Fun

I'm almost afraid to brag about this, but yesterday just as my student arrived for tutoring Savannah woke up from her nap, screaming. I just knew that meant she was going to sit in front of the TV for an hour while I tutored, but amazingly enough, she played in the living room the entire time and never once even came to bother me or ask for the TV to be turned on.

I decided to test my luck again today when she had her best buddy Jack over to play. They immediately started playing in the living room and so I left them to do some work on the computer. I heard many laughs and "conversations" so I knew that they were safe and having a swell time. This is a picture of what I found when I went to give them a snack. Before becoming a mom this would be a disaster, now it just means that two toddlers have had a blast! I'm thoroughly enjoying Savannah's new found independence and am learning to deal with the mess.


Donna said...

That's good that she can occupy herself and play alone! Funny picture:)

Anna Morrison said...

bravo chrystal! i am learning this over and over. messes usually mean fun. :)

Anonymous said...

yippee! you've come a long way baby! and all it took was a sweet 2 year old to teach you not to sweat the small stuff!
good job savannah! and you too "mom" xoxo dad/deb

Anonymous said...

"Alone play"- the sweetest words any toddler's mom has ever heard.