Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Yucky Floor" . . . Among Other Things

I debated for awhile about how much of my morning I wanted to share on this blog, but then I thought it was too funny (and crazy) not to share. So, as long as you promise to come to my house again, read on. Otherwise, just ignore this post!!

Well the morning started off a little rocky with Savannah waking up shortly after I returned from my run, an hour before normal. This means that my Internet time wasn't going to happen before getting the little one out of bed. Trying not to get all uptight, I focused on the fact that we had two exciting events planned for the morning (library story time and a pool play date) and that she would probably be so tired that she'd take a long nap and I could get caught up then. When I got her up and started trying to dress her, which she wanted no part of, I noticed that she had yet another mystery bump on her tummy. After talking to the nurse yesterday and Deborah last night I was a little alarmed that it just might be a mild case of chicken pox, which would totally destroy our pool plans for the morning. However, my friend Chelle didn't think what I was describing sounded like chicken pox but said that if it continued to spread I definitely needed to take her in. I decided to get one final opinion before dragging Savannah to the doctor's office. Just as I was going to change her dirty diaper my neighbor called and wanted to bring over some fresh peaches. I went to meet her and asked for her opinion on the rash. She too thought it might be chicken pox. Great. I came back in and got on the Internet to try to see if I could find some pictures to compare . . . all the while forgetting that there was a dirty diaper to be changed.

"Yucky floor" was the next thing I heard. Trying to do some quick research I ignored the little voice. "Mom, YUCKY FLOOR!!" I heard again. Finally I turned around to find poop spread all over the office rug, all over Savannah's feet, hands, dress, etc. AAHHH!! What was I thinking?! The diaper! After dragging her upstairs and cleaning everything up I decided she was going to the doctor. I made a quick call and they could see her right away. We went in and thankfully it wasn't chicken pox, but some other hair follicle disease (according to the diagnosis code). Apparently there a virus was on her skin and there must have been a way that it got in and infected her hair follicles. The doctor said she wasn't contagious and we could still make the pool play date!

We've had a super fun morning even with all of the excitement and are hoping for a slightly less eventful afternoon!


Anonymous said...

maybe it is a poopy virus hehehe - glad it wasn't anything more serious and the day turned out to be fun for both of you. oh, they have a sale on lysol at harris teeter. lol love ya'll dad/deb

Nancy said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. But I am glad Savannah does not have Chicken Pox. I hope your afternoon was great!

Donna said...

hhah! Now I understand about the floor! When i was at your house earlier, I hadn't read the post yet. That is a funny story and I'm glad you posted about it:)