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Monday, July 07, 2008

A Visit From Granny

This weekend my mom, or Granny to Savannah, came for a visit. She and Savannah had tons of fun and spent lots of time playing outside on Saturday. They "planted" some new purple flowers around Savannah's house, did lots of sweeping, watched TV together, and read tons of books.

Mom was craving ice cream on Saturday afternoon so when Savannah woke up from her nap we headed out to our favorite Coldstone Creamery for a yummy treat. (Sorry diet!) Savannah loves going there because she enjoys watching the water in the fountain. We finally gave in and let her put her feet in too. Even though it's not very clear, can you see the excitement on our little girl's face?!


Donna said...

cute! I still say we make a playdate at the Promenade one day and let the kids play in the fountain. I know Caroline would love it! Better yet, we should do it on a Monday and get our free smoothies!!

Nancy said...

Sounds like yall had a fun weekend!

I'm with Donna - let's have a playdate, let the kid's play (Jere could SO supervise), get our free smoothies - I don't know about this deal, please elaborate - and TALK COUPONS!!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! What is it with kids and playing in water? They sure do love it. Visits from Granny are always fun. :)