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Saturday, July 05, 2008

A Happy 4th For All!

What a great day yesterday turned out to be! It was so wonderful having Dave home the entire day and not having to rush around running a million errands. I kept thinking it was Saturday and Dave would remind me that it was Friday. SUPER. Now we have another two whole days with daddy home! :) Anyway, being that he had worked so hard this week, Dave hadn't had any time to work on our stupid computer. Well, after calling the Geek Squad and making an appointment for Sunday afternoon, my super duper husband managed to find just the right button to click and now our e-mail is working!!! Happy day for me! As a side note, the Geek Squad was only going to charge $120 for driving to our house and fixing this computer monster . . . it would have been well worth that money.

It was also a happy day for Dave as he finally got to catch up on some much needed sleep. Savannah had a great day because she had her friend Jack over to play for a few hours and because I managed to find the last of the strawberries for the season at the local produce stand. After searching two different grocery stores for some decent berries, I had given up finding any more. However, yesterday afternoon on my run I noticed that the Providence Produce stand had a few cartons left so we stopped by later to buy some nice juicy berries.

We had planned to eat at Chick fil A for dinner, but when we arrived at 6:06 pm we found a sign saying that they closed at 6 pm for the holiday. This wasn't going to ruin our happy day so we headed straight over to Ben and Jerry's for some ice cream sundaes for dinner! YUM-O. The Weight Watchers diet will have to wait.

Now that sounds like a great day, right?! Well, here's possibly the best part ~ we got Savannah to eat some CORN!!!!!! I about fell out in the floor, but she kept requesting corn and so we heated up a small ear of corn and she ate it! She wanted to take a "big bite" so I would cut it off the cob and gently place it back on top so she could "bite" it off! Oh, happy day!


Anonymous said...

YAY for Savannah! I'm so glad she ate it for you. Glad to hear you had a good 4th- ours was pretty quiet. In VA you can have fireworks, so we set some off so the girls could see them. It was pretty fun, and no one blew off a hand!

Nancy said...

Great news! Glad your 4th was a good one!