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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Terrible Stage

As long as I can remember I've heard people talk about the terrible twos. Unfortunately, we are now beginning to experience them. Yesterday was one of the worst days I can remember since Savannah was itty bitty. I honestly was ready to throw in the towel by the time Dave got home. It started with her waking up at 5:30 am (as I was getting ready to leave for aerobics) screaming like crazy. I tried to wait it out, but finally decided that I better go and try to get her back to sleep and just be late to my class. Thankfully, she did go back to sleep, but only long enough for me to work out and get home. As soon as I walked in the door from aerobics I found my work staring me straight in the face. This was going to be a doozy of a day!

To make a long story short, I spent the entire day listening to a whiny, crying baby who just couldn't find the right thing to make her happy. We tried going to Charlotte at Play and running some errands, which both helped some time pass without much fussing, but as soon as we got home she started in again. It's a new feeling trying to make a toddler happy as I just can't seem to grasp what's in that little head, but I'm here to say that yesterday nothing was appealing to my precious child! Maybe it was just because she's still suffering from allergies or maybe it really is her way of testing the waters around here, but either way it was R O U G H!

I called my friend, Laura, who is the Rosemond expert and begged for some advice. She was so encouraging in letting me know that we were doing the right things and that this too would pass. What would I do without these precious friends?!

Today, however, has been a much better day! We have spent some time at the park, ran some more errands, and enjoyed watching the much needed rain. Don't get me wrong, she has still tried testing her limits today, but just knowing that I am doing the right thing has made me more able to handle her. So, maybe the terrible twos are really a training period for parents and toddlers . . .


Anna Morrison said...

Hold on for the ride, my friend. You have a good head on your shoulders, you'll get through these ages and stages. Don't lose heart. Be open with Dave and express the need for a break when you need one. Be as patient and possible, but don't be afraid to let sweet Savannah know that Mommy is disappointed. Being honest with her will go along way.
You are doing a great job.
Rah Rah Ree
We Can Do This! (pompoms in hand)


Anonymous said...

the terrible 2's are practice for the teenage years! lol next comes the whiny 3's so hold on it gets better. :) wish we were closer to help-i would love nothing better than a phone call saying come get savannah for a while.
when she has a baby brother it might distract her-:) dad/deb

kristin said...

Do you think our girls plot against us while in Sunday School? AK has REFUSED to go up or down the stairs since Wednesday. We've had more fits over that this week than anything else. Just know you're not alone :)
Oh, and I have the Rosemond Strong Willed Child video - perhaps I need to actually watch it and then pass it along!

Laura said...

I only wish I was a Rosemond expert! If I were, it would reflect in Cole's behavior! Thanks for the compliment is something I can aspire to be! You are such a good Mama....just hang in there! No one knows Savannah as well as you do! God picked you to be her Mama because you are the perfect person to do it!