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Monday, May 26, 2008

Welcomed Long Weekend

I have truly enjoyed having Dave home all weekend and today as well. Although it was his vacation day, he really gave me a break by helping out tons with Savannah and around the house too. We have enjoyed sleeping in, gathering junk for our first ever yard sale this coming weekend, spending tons of time outside (even though it continually makes Savannah's allergies crazy), grilling out, eating out, attempting to make home made ice cream (add that ice cream maker to the yard sale pile!), playing at the park, and even playing a few card games over and over again. What a treat to have so many days together without planned activities!!

Tomorrow it's back to the old routine . . . with an added focus on losing the four pounds I've gained since vacation. :( We're still praying that Savannah's allergy crud goes away soon. Although MUCH better now, we're still working on four plus weeks of runny noses, sneezing, watery eyes, and Benadryl around the clock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! glad to hear you all had a great memorial day weekend. i don't have good luck with homemade ice cream either-breyer's is good and ready when i want it!:)
sorry savannah is having trouble with allergies, old timey help-see if she will eat some honey comb. because it's sweet that shouldn't be a problem and the comb is supposed to help with allergies, something in the bee pollen. i like it even when i don't have allergies. it might be worth a try and honey is good to cook with,put on an english muffin or toast, so that might be another food for her! let me know if you see any improvement. see ya soon dad/deb