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Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Savings are In . . .

I was hesitant last night to report my savings at BiLo, but with the encouragement of my husband (who is FINALLY home) and with my huge savings today I couldn't help but share my excitement/serious high with everyone!!! So, please don't think this is a bragging post, but rather one to encourage all of my coupon clipping friends to clip away!! So here we go:

Yesterday Bi Lo Savings (thanks to my friend Kristin who informed me that they will triple up to 100 coupons, unlike Harris Teeter's limit 20 policy): Spent $9.88, Saved $108.39

Today Harris Teeter Savings (with my coupon that I politely asked for at customer service to get $20 off a $40 purchase~that they let me use on a $21 order!) Spent $1.60, Saved $80.44

I returned something at Harris Teeter so I actually ended walking out of the store with laundry detergent, pull ups, 8 bags full of groceries and $5 cash more than when I went in! Add that to the $24.50 I earned by doing a mystery shop at Harris Teeter while I was racking up and the grand total for the Bachmann household this week . . .

Over $200 in groceries for FREE with $18 more in cash than when we started!!!

Clip away my friends, clip away!

The funny thing is that as I was at Harris Teeter I ran into Kimberly, who works at my regular Harris Teeter. She immediately said hello to me and Savannah and then asked me what I was doing at a different store. Come on, don't they know by now that I'm a mystery shopper??!! I also ran into Nancy, our Sunday School coordinator from church, who gets just as big of rush as I do from clipping coupons if not bigger. I'd never have guessed that she was into coupons, but we stood in Harris Teeter and compared notes for a long time. I LOVE COUPONS!!!!


Laura said...

WOO HOO! Way to go Chrystal!!!! I am in awe!

Donna said...

I am in awe, too! Seriously, next time they have triple coupons, I'm going to get a babysitter and I'm going to tag along with you to see how you end up making money! I did good today, too, but I still paid quite a bit. I saved $94 but I spent about $60! How do you do it? What's this about a free $20 coupon, too? I'm confused.

kristin said...

well, I didn't make any money, but I got about $200 worth for around $30 - but I did buy about $20 worth of meat (discounted of course!) and other non coupon things so that I could be sure to have enough to use my $20 coupon. I didn't get to use mine on my $20 purchase :(.

Way to go Chrystal!

Lorie said...

Wow! That's incredible. Seriously, are you offering a class??

Anonymous said...

I want to sign up for your class too!! Truly amazing!