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Monday, April 14, 2008

Our First Fort

Thinking that I was being pretty creative, I decided to try to build a fort with Savannah this morning before aerobics class. She had already starting begging to watch television and I was not willing to give in that early in the morning so I thought that this would keep her busy for a little bit. Well, what I quickly discovered is that she was more interested in tearing the "fork" down than playing inside my fort. I guess this is just one more reason that God blessed us with a girl instead of a boy . . . I don't know how to build a good fort or "fork" as she calls it. Sorry Savannah!


kristin said...

Fork - I love it. I'm still laughing! Imagine what she must be thinking....forks are for eating :)

Anna Morrison said...

Way to play and create an environment for her that is playful! You are such a great Mom!