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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekend Wrap Up

Well, I finally took the plunge and went back to Weight Watchers on Saturday morning. After finding my old membership book, realizing that it was only 8 days away from being a year since I had attended a meeting, and also seeing that I hadn't lost any weight over the past year on my own, I knew I needed to go back! So, I did and had actually found out that I gained 1.2 pounds in the past year. Now I'm on a mission to get back to my goal weight. So, if any of you see me getting off track, please remind me that I am doing Weight Watchers!!! A little motivation for me is that if I hit my goal weight (21.2 pounds lost) before we decide to get pregnant again, then after the baby comes I can attend the meetings 6 weeks for FREE!!

Today has been pretty low key . . . the only exciting thing was going to wake Savannah up from her 3+ hour nap and finding her without her diaper on! This was a first for her . . . and hopefully a last! Thankfully she didn't wet the bed during her nap, but it sure was a funny picture.

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