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Friday, March 07, 2008

New Swing and Phrases!!

We have thoroughly enjoyed the weather the past two days! Savannah loves being outside and even woke up yesterday morning asking to go outside. Trying to explain to a 20 month old that it's too cold just doesn't work very well, but thankfully by lunch time, after I had finished some errands, we made it outside for some fun. I had put a toddler swing on her birthday list, but realized it would be nice to have it sooner. So, yesterday while we were out I stopped by our favorite Babies R Us and picked one up. After her nap I hung it and she loves it!!! Usually she is in her bucket swing a maximum of 10 seconds before she starts saying "out" or "down", but today she swung for over 10 minutes!!! I kept asking her if she wanted down and she'd say "NO!" Here is a picture of her in her new favorite swing . . . it's not really cold, she just insisted on wearing the red mittens!

Also with the swing came her biggest accomplishment which has put my mind at ease for now . . . she starting to put two words together, finally!! Our neighbor's dog, Kasey, came running over to see Savannah and she laughed so hard it made me laugh. Anyway, soon Kasey ran off and Mrs. Marlene couldn't find him. Savannah started saying "Kasey gone" and shrugged her shoulders. Then she'd say "Kasey, R you?". I'm sure she's learned this phrase as we're always looking for her bib going around the house saying "B where are you?" Nevertheless, I've enjoyed a day of phrases and can't wait to see what she comes up with next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a cute picture! i know she loves her swing by that smile. summer will be really fun this year for ya'll! see ya soon dad/deb