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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Daddy and Daughter Time

In preparation for end of the month long hours, I have given Dave lots of one on one time with Savannah this weekend. Since the weather has been so beautiful they have spent tons of time exploring outside both yesterday and today. Then, after church today, Dave had the great idea to have lunch on Savannah's picnic table. So here are the two cuties eating their lunch outside today. They are planning to watch some Clemson basketball on the "T" tonight too!


Donna said...

That picture is too cute! How sweet of Dave to do that! Brownie points, Dave!!!

You can tell Savannah loves her Daddy:) Oh, and this weather is GREAT! I hope it stays like this for Easter.

Anonymous said...

such a sweet picture! nothing like daddy's little girl- i'm glad dave had extra time to spend with you and savannah i know the coming weeks will be busy for the both of you. see you soon dad/deb