Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Freedom to Play

Savannah and Jack playing in the sand

Jack is such a sweetheart, always wanting to give hugs and kisses!

Aren't they the cutest?! They love to walk holding hands!!

Today was one of those days where I had most of the day planned . . . all with boring chores, a mystery shop, tutoring, and lots of other things that I wanted to get checked off of the to do list. However, after my workout this morning I quickly checked the computer and found an e-mail from Elizabeth (a.k.a. Jack's mom) inviting us to join her and Jack at the Charlotte Nature Museum. I hesitated at first thinking of everything that I "needed" to get done today and about how crazy my afternoon was going to be, but then I realized that I was crazy for even thinking about it! Of course we were going to join them!!

The freedom to drop everything and go on a play date is so refreshing. What a wonderful time we had just seeing real animals, playing in the sand, sliding down the slide, and of course our lunch treat at Chick fil A. Savannah and Jack played hard and seemed to enjoy touching the big black bear the best. I think the butterfly exhibit would have been my favorite if it wasn't so hot in there! Whew. I'm so thankful to live in a great city with fun things for children to do and for friends willing to invite us along. Thanks Elizabeth and Jack, we had a swell time! :)


laurie said...

Way to be spontanious girl!!!

Donna said...

Cool! Where is the nature museum? I've never heard of it? We'd love to go sometime.