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Monday, February 11, 2008

A Weekend of Celebrations

This has been such a full weekend for us. On Saturday I helped with a baby shower for our precious friend, Jenny Neal. It was much fun watching her open so many cute baby items and getting excited over onesies! I also enjoyed spending time catching up with old friends who have moved away and others who I just haven't seen in a long time. Oh how excited I'm already getting about welcoming baby Jake. He is so lucky to have parents like Jenny and Todd!!

Then, yesterday after church we headed to Greenville to celebrate Dave's sister's birthday. We ate at a great restaurant with their family and Dave's parents who had driven up from Atlanta. After an afternoon of playing (see picture of Savannah and Alyssa on the swingset) and some yummy ice cream cake, we headed back to Charlotte. I have to say it was the easiest trip we've ever taken with Savannah thanks to our new DVD player we got for Christmas. Thanks Dad and Deborah!! She loved watching Veggie Tales the entire trip and we didn't hear a peep out of her as long as the "T" was on. I had never seen Veggie Tales before, but what a great show! It now only teaches Bible stories, but is very captivating for children to watch . . . at least I felt a little less guilty for letting her watch this one!


Donna said...

Glad to hear the shower went well. Those car DVD players are the best things! We have a rule that we only use them on trips. It makes the drive so much more barable and I can actually have a conversation with Roy!

Jessica said...

I ditto what Donna said. We LOVE our DVD player for the car. It makes our trips much more enjoyable. We also only get it out on trips, that makes it more special!

Anna Morrison said...

isn't it fun going to baby showers?? i especially love them when i am not pregnant. :)

we love Veggie Tales!!