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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chick fil A

Today was the first day ever that Savannah made it through an entire meal at Chick fil A (or any restaurant for that matter) without getting fussy or refusing to eat!! I'm so proud of her . . . now I truly feel like a stay at home mom . . . my child loves Chick fil A!! She sat there in her little booster seat and quietly ate her entire box of 8 piece nuggets, some of mommy's french fries, and was still saying "mor" so she also polished off a Nutra Grain bar. Then, like a normal child, she asked for her "juice". This is HUGE for us. We are finally getting to the stage where she knows what she wants and can ask for it. Yes!!

As we were cleaning up, she kept saying that she wanted "mor" and was pointing to my diet coke. Well, she has never had a carbonated beverage so I just assumed she wanted the straw. That worked for awhile, but she still kepting saying that she wanted "mor". When I explained that it was mommy's drink and she had to drink her own juice, she became very sad and said "share". We learned this new word yesterday when her friend Anna Kate was over . . . share . . . oh, I love you Savannah. I could have melted right there. She never cried, but was sad that mommy wouldn't share with her.

Then we were off to Harris Teeter for some HUGE savings. They have some awesome sells this week and I ended up saving $149.51 with only spending $75.85!! The day only gets better as there is a consignment sale this afternoon!!!

Dear Lord, I thank you for such a fun day with Savannah and for all of the small things that have been an encouragement to me today. My cup runneth over . . .


Donna said...

YEA! I'm glad you had a good day, Chrystal. That is HILARIOUS about all the food Savannah ate!!! She cracks me up. And so sweet about her wanting you to share. Did you give in?!

I am SOOOOO excited about the sale tonight. I keep looking at the clock and wishing it was 4:20 so I can start on my way over there!!! See you there.

Donna said...

BTW, way to go on the HT savings! I would love to do a trip with you there one day to see your technique and do some serious notetaking!!

kristin said...

I'm still not sure AK wasn't the child needing the "share" lesson!

We really enjoyed Savannah today. We'll have to do that again.