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Sunday, January 06, 2008

"More Juice"

Today Savannah has continued with increasing her vocabulary and has just started putting two words together. "No mommy" was her first phrase and "More juice" was her second. She calls water "juice" because that's what I call it and she doesn't know any different. So, today when she figured out that "juice" comes out from the front of the fridge and she doesn't have to wait for mommy to get it, she took full advantage of helping herself to some "more juice" with her own big girl cup. It was a quick process with her first discovering that water comes out when you press the lever on the refrigerator, then getting a cup, trying it out for herself, and finally drinking it (or rather dumping the water all over the floor). I never thought I'd be able to handle the mess, but it was too cute to stop. She kept doing it over and over and couldn't figure out why the "juice" would dump out of the cup when she turned it upside down since her normal cups don't do that. On the last try, she even got the towel, stood on it, and mopped up her own mess. Amazing how quickly they can imitate exactly what we do!!


Anonymous said...

now if you could just get her to clean the bathrooms you'll be set.
the pictures are too cute! enjoy each day- they grow up to quick.

Donna said...

hahaha! That is adorable! Keep telling her that water is juice!